Monday, February 16, 2009

One year ago........

Emma, Kaitlyn, Lauren

Here are some pictures from last February, 2008. I can't believe how round Emma is, how little hair both the babies had, and how long Kaitlyn's hair is! The babies were just figuring out how to crawl, Emma was still wearing her DOC band for the first half of the month, and Kaitlyn was in her second half of the year for pre-school. I can't believe how all 3 have changed the past year!

Emma laundry

Lauren laundry

Kaitlyn on Valentine's day

Emma crawling

Lauren crawling

Kaitlyn in her ALL-TIME FAVORITE dress

Happy Emma

Sweet Lauren

Big sister with Lauren

Emma and her big sister

Ooooo, pretty!

Lauren & Emma

(Almost) naked babies!

Trying to figure out how to get in the niche

Bumbo babies


Hoping for our own Peanut said...

wow, thank you SO much for stopping by my blog and sharing your story. you truly are a wonderful success! i hope to follow in your footsteps asap!

Baby Blog Addict said...

Congratulations, Caralyn. You entered a giveaway at and were selected as the winner of a blog makeover from Scrapblog Designs by Hilary. I don't have your email address, so please email me at babyblogaddict (at) yahoo (dot) com, so I can tell you how to redeem the prize.

Thanks for entering and congrats!
