Monday, August 23, 2010

Kaitlyn's First Day of 2nd Grade

Kaitlyn was sooooo excited to start school again! She picked out her outfit the day before, and was quite ready to go to bed Sunday evening. I got up at 5:30 Monday morning to exercise before the girls got up....fat chance! Lauren wandered into the game room at 5:45...and got sent back to bed, Kaitlyn came in at 5:56...and got sent back to her room to read, and Emma trotted in at 6:03....and got sent back to bed. When I finished exercising and went in Kaitlyn's room, she had picked out coordinating rings, bracelets, and hair bows to go with her outfit. She was completely ready for school by 7:15! (And the bus comes at 8:15.) So after lots of pictures, we went off to the bus stop by wait in the heat! I am so thankful that she is so excited and hope her first day goes well!

Headed out the door...the twins wanted to wear their backpacks too!

And she's off!


Lori said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have a great day K!!! Awesome pics ;)

Kristen Michelle said...

ahhhh, so exciting!! Your girls are growing up so much. I love how they all wore backpacks to the bus stop.